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Sophie Blumenthal

Wayne Blumenthal

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Sophie Blumenthal


It's Sophie's Bat Mitzvah!!!

For my Bat Mitzvah, let's make a difference for our future and help make the world a better place. In lieu of gifts, I'd be so grateful if you would consider donating to Bush Heritage Australia.

Bush Heritage Australia is a leading not-for-profit conservation organisation that protects ecosystems and wildlife across the continent. They use the best science, conservation and right-way knowledge to deliver landscape-scale impact. They're on the ground, working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the agricultural sector to make sure the impact is deep, sustainable and collaborative.

Thanks so much for your support!




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Activity Summary

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Bush Heritage Australia

Protecting Australia's plants, animals and landscapes.

Bush Heritage is a national conservation charity which protects Australia's native wildlife through a simple formula - we buy or acquire land of outstanding conservation value, and then care for it. Our reserves are managed in a similar way to national parks; the land is legally protected, with the intention of safeguarding it forever.

Today, over 34% of all Australia's mammals, as well as 55% of its birds - including many rare and threatened species - are protected on Bush Heritage's reserves and partnership properties, which safeguard millions of hectares of ecologically important land nationwide. 
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