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Eye Can See The Light
Eye Can See The Light
Sight is a precious sense. Vision is the way we access, appreciate and interpret the world. We need to look after and protect our eyes, especially as we grow older. It is very important to be aware of Macular Degeneration, the leading cause of blindness and severe vision loss in Australia.
Macular Degeneration (MD) is the name given to the group of degenerative diseases of the retina that cause progresssive painless loss of central vision, affecting the ability to see fine detail, drive, read and recognise faces.
As MD is herereditary and having a family history is a major risk factor. I have several family members who have MD, which means I have a 50% chance of getting MD!
I would like to fundraise to support the Macular Disease Foundation. The Research Grants Program objective is to support research to reduce the incidence and impact of Macular Degeneration and ultimately to find a cure for this chronic disease. The Foundation is also committed to education and awareness programs, provision of support service and representing the best interests of the Macular Disease Community.
Over the next year we will be running fundraising events as well as asking for support for fundraising challenges. Thanks you for our support because as you know every dollar helps. Updates will be posted here and via Facebook and Twitter.
Best Regards, Louise and All In My Family
Macular Disease Foundation Australia
Macular Disease Foundation Australia is the national peak body representing the interests of the 8.5m Australians living with, or at risk of, macular disease and their families.
Macular disease is the leading cause of severe vision loss and blindness in Australia.
Our purpose is to reduce the incidence and impact of macular disease through leadership in prevention and early detection, disease management, advocacy, and research. We work collaboratively and in partnership with our community, health professionals, researchers, and government to minimise the impact of macular disease
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