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Crossfit Moreland

Elsa Walsh

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Crossfit Moreland


Hey Moreland fam 

On Saturday 16th November we will be hosting a charity WOD for World Diabetes Day which is on 14th November, raising money for Diabetes Australia.

A little bit about why I'd like to recognise this day with you all: 

When I was 13 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes so I've lived with it for over 18 years. Living with a chronic illness definitely has its challenges but Crossfit has played a massive part in my journey, both physically and mentally. Staying active and exercising helps with the management of all types of diabetes and it's become a fundamental part of my life. 

One of the biggest challenges I've faced is dealing with burnout, something I know a lot of people struggle with with any type of chronic illness. The rep scheme for the wod will reflect some stats about this:

- On average people with diabetes make 180 extra health-related decisions a day

- There are 42 different factors that can affect blood sugar levels

Diabetes requires 24/7 management, there are no days off

But it's not all doom and gloom! Having diabetes has also taught me resilience and that I can do hard things. I know that getting myself into the gym always makes me feel better and there's a wonderful community of smiling faces ready to sweat it out with me. I hope that everyone can relate to that on hard days no matter what you are facing.

There is a fundraiser page set up to donate here:

 So grab a partner and come join us for a sweat sesh next Saturday 💙💙

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Diabetes Australia

Diabetes Australia is the national body for people affected by all types of diabetes and those at risk. As a not for profit organisation, Diabetes Australia works with consumers, health professionals, and researchers. We are committed to reducing the impact of diabetes. Diabetes Australia's core focus areas are: people affected by all types of diabetes- this includes people with type 1 diabetes, people with type 2 diabetes, women with gestational diabetes, people with other forms of diabetes, their families and carers, and people at risk of developing diabetes. The Diabetes Australian Research Program supports and develops outstanding diabetes research in Australia. We do this by funding a range of grants across the full spectrum of diabetes research through a merit based, competitive, peer review process. Research projects can focus on prevention amd management of diabetes, as well as researching for a cure to diabetes.

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