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Speak up for Cambodia: Education for All

OIC Cambodia

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Speak up for Cambodia: Education for All



Today in Cambodia, how to work with students who have communication difficulties, like Mary, is not widely understood by Cambodian teachers. Our talented team at OIC has been working hard to create a training to ensure that education in Cambodia is for all Cambodians.

We are launching our Speak up for Cambodia: Education for All to help us get this training to as many as 180 teachers by the end of this calendar year, and reach upwards of 6000 students. To do this, we need to raise $65,000 AUD by October 14th.

Will you help us increase the number of students receiving help in Cambodia?

-  $20 - is all it takes to help us reach two students through our training! And as a thank you, you can receive a desktop wallpaper image of Cambodian country side.
-  $60 - helps OIC connect busy teachers with our specialized materials that promote understanding of speech difficulties! And as a thank you, you can get a custom OIC tote bag w/logo (shipping paid for in Cambodia, Australia, and the US).
-  $75 - helps OIC staff reach schools across Cambodia to work with teachers in person, helping them implement the results of the teacher training in their own classrooms! And can get you a high quality A4 print of the Cambodian countryside by renowned Photographer Anna Bella Betts.
- $100 or more - helps us reach up to 10 students in Cambodia and you could receive an OIC Tote bag with some lotions  and balms from Coco Khmer inside as a thank you! (shipping paid for in Cambodia, Australia, and the US)
- $250 - helps us reach one classroom of up to 40 students, and one donor of will receive a one-hour photography workshop with Hugo Sharp of Resources Illustrated, learning how to shoot striking images like a pro and create photography that makes a statement (to be redeemed in Sydney, Australia)

Will you speak up and spread the word to your friends and family as well to ensure that we can help the largest number of teachers help all of their students?


Who we are:

We are OIC Cambodia. “OIC” refers to “Oh! I see,” often exclaimed at a moment of understanding, when something becomes clear.

We're a small team of professionals based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Our goal is to make speech therapy available to all who need it in Cambodia. With an exit point for 100 Cambodian speech therapists to be employed by the government by 2030.

We believe this will allow the people of Cambodia to achieve our overarching goal after OIC dissolves, and we need your help in getting there. Visit us at:

OIC Cambodia Featured in:



Thanks to our generous supporters & partners:

Anna Bella Betts Photography

Anna is a photographer who is based in Siem Reap, Cambodia, for the past 5 years. Her photos have been published in the National Geographic Traveller, Hong Kong Time Out and Travel and Leisure to name a few. Check out her website for more info and to view her work.
Dorsu: Clothing Creating Change
Dorsu is a Cambodian-based organisation which provides fair employment, makes ethical clothing and funds community education. Please visit to learn more about their gorgeous garments and how clothing really can create change!
Coco Khmer
Coco Khmer is the proud maker of high-quality virgin coconut oil and coconut-based products. Founded in August 2013, Coco Khmer’s mission is to build businesses and sustainable futures for low income earners in Cambodia’s rural communities. Find out more about their delicious and and sustainable treats on their Facebook page: 
Resources Illustrated: Bespoke Photography from Mine to Market
Resources Illustrated is a commercial photography business with clients in the mining, oil, gas and industrial sectors. Based in Australia, and available for assignments globally, Resources Illustrated prides itself on safety, integrity and amazing imagery. 
Visit to check out their clients' fresh, definitive and vivid corporate imagery.
Red and White International
Red & White Intl. is a niche oriented marketing and export consulting company committed to developing successful business ventures throughout Asia Pacific and Sub-Continent. They actively establish vertically integrated marketing relationships, whereby our principals, their customers, and the Company benefit through these commercial networks. Visit their website at to learn more about their luxurious products.

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OIC Cambodia (Education) (Global Development Group – J703N)

OIC Cambodia (Education) is a Global Development Group approved aid and development project (J703N)  which aims to address the gap in health services in Cambodia for more than 600,000 people with a communication or swallowing disability.

Communicating with others is at the heart of being human and helping people communicate is at the heart of what we do. We are working towards a Cambodia where each of these people receives the speech therapy services they need to communicate with those around them, and lead full and happy lives.

We have two significant goals to addressing the speech therapy needs in Cambodia:

  • To train teachers in speech therapy-based inclusive education to better include children with communication disabilities into schools. This project will benefit 180 teachers and 5,400 children with communication disabilities across six provinces in Cambodia.
  • To graduate the first generation of Cambodian speech therapists from a Cambodian university.

OIC Cambodia is proud to be a partner for Project J703N OIC Cambodia (Education) with Global Development Group (ABN: 57 102 400 993), an Australian DFAT approved Non-Government Organisation.
Gifts over $2 with a preference for this approved development project are tax deductible, receipts issued by Go Fundraise on behalf of GDG. Excess funds may be directed to another approved activity. Please note, no non-development (evangelistic, political or welfare) activities are a part of, or funded by, GDG projects. For more information please visit  

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